王涛 [Wáng Tāo] et al. (eds.): 中国成语大辞典 [Zhōngguó chéngyǔ dà cídiǎn=The Big Chinese Dictionary of Idiomatic Expressions]
上海, 上海辞书出版社 [Shanghai, Shanghai císhū chūbǎnshè]. 1998. (6)+2+20+1989 pages. Publisher's cloth with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket is a bit bumped and has a couple of creases. The corners and spine ends of the boards are slightly bumped. Extensive dictionary of Chinese idiomatic expressions. Explanations in Chinese (simplified characters).
Genre: Kina, Japan & Korea
Genre: Kina, Japan & Korea
Ny 2025-02-26
Pris: 350 kr
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If you have any questions concerning this book, please send a message to: eoantikvariat@gmail.com, and we will get in touch as soon as possible.